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Sensory Rocking Chair

Assistive tech group project with Rachel Crist from occupational therapy

“Create a sensory room in a Labbb Collaborative classroom and include a customized seating area or chair of some sort.”

User Research

Our primary user is Ben, he is 15 years old high school student with Autism Spectrum Disorder. However, other classmates should also be able to use it.

Ben's Performance skills:

Sensory: seeks vestibular input; otherwise intact sensation

Motor: intact motor control, strength, postural stability, balance

Cognitive: decreased attention, impulse control, learning delays; cause-effect awareness

Communication: minimal verbal communication

Social: impaired social skills related to ASD dx

Emotional: difficulties with emotional regulation and expression


why we want a sensory chair?
  1. He liked the previous sensory chair in middle school placement

  2. Bungee chair didn't work

  3. His current exercise ball popped


We used Pinterest board to collect ideas and brainstorm. Here are some of the sensory chairs we found in the market.


We narrowed down our options based on materials, tools, and budgets we have. This is the two sensory we decided to move forward.

“I quite like them both, but for the purposes of the sensory corner, I think the banana rocker would work best.”

We got some negative feedback about using cardboard, however, we were able to find one existing chair design similar to banana rocker, which is Rock-a-Dunka reclining chair.

Considering our users and use scenario, we keep the curve and angle of the reclining part, modified the measurement

  • Increase length and width to fit high schooler

  • Add “safety stopper” to design of side panels

  • Change cushion color to match Ben’s color preference




User Testing

Us trying out, to test the stopper

Danny and Justin tried out the chair

Kathy & Jessica are the teachers of Labbb high school , they both like the chair a lot.

Those are the feedbacks we got.

Overall Rating :

Attractive, durable, safe, smooth/enjoyable rocking motion

Deduction for need for instructions, unclear how our primary user likes the rocker


Future Consideration

  • Added instructions

  • Padding/stopper over back end to reduce noise, prevent wear

  • Adding a pillow to signify which end the head goes

  • Stand or structure to help hold chair in place while person gets in or out of chair

  • Cosmetic upgrades - painting, pillow



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